Last week, a voice from behind her interrupted Charlotte's twilight creek-side musings in pre-war 1860's Arkansas.
Charlotte smiled, not bothering to turn around or even open her eyes, because the melodic voice was of course that of Sanderson Redding, the man who had stolen her heart so many years before.
“You think I’m hiding, Sanderson?” Charlotte asked, the hint of a smile teasing the corners of her lips. “Well, you’re right. I am hiding.” Her voice lingered in the twilight as she pushed herself upright and turned to face him. “Because I think that war of any kind is a complete and total waste of time. And of life.”
His voice took an accusing tone. “You’ve been reading the books I lent you.”
Thank you for stopping by! To get back to the other amazing contributors of this weekly multi-genre bloghop we call affectionately call The Weekend Writing Warriors, click here!
Check out my other excerpts by following the links below!
Sara's Amish Dreams (Fiction)
Missi Wanderin' in the Woods (Non Fiction Memoir)
Thank you for spending part of your day with me, Charlotte, and Sanderson!