Sara's Library

Saturday, March 12, 2016

First Post by Madeline McCandless for WeWriWa. March 13, 2016

Good morning, Weekend Writing Warriors and a giant THANK YOU to Sara Barnard for hosting me on her blog today so I could share a bit of my first novel with you while I work on constructing my own blog! 

My name is Madeline McCandless and SILVER SKY AT DAWN is my debut novel. I hope you enjoy these first ten lines. Any and all comments are welcome! Thank you!           

Fiery anger coursed through my veins, sending a tremble into my fingers until it engulfed both my hands. Spilling the glass of water on my husband’s phone was an accident. The text message secrets the dying phone revealed to me, as screens and apps flashed and closed, proved that my gut instinct had been right all along.

I fought the urge to snatch up the soggy phone and bean him with it. To beat his dimpled face until he hurt as bad on the outside as I did on the inside. Tears of betrayal pricked my eyes as I glanced wildly about our room, anywhere but at the man I’d promised to love in sickness and in health. The realization of his arm across my middle sent a slimy shudder across my skin. How dare you touch me. I flung it off, taking no care to be gentle.

“Huh,” he snorted, “Wha…?”

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