I thought we would switch things up today at this blog in honor of one of my new releases, The Journey Home, that finishes out my 4 book Indian Em'ly saga, which is at this very moment becoming an audio book, like all the rest of mine.
Journey with me back to the 1890's . . . where two Apache children have been kidnapped by the Army. Third in the series.
White as the snow that Pale Face Joe had pointed out on the
tips of the Truchas Peaks, the walls surrounding Santa Fe were thick and
“Where is
Joe, Knocks Down?” Cactus’s arm hung in the sling I’d made her from one of
Joe’s old shirts. The old pale face had done his best to make the trip to Santa
Fe as enjoyable as he could. I had even smiled once or twice, mostly because
Tom was never around. I had also quit dreaming about killing him, so I slept
better at night.
“They sent
him to something called a Sanitarium this morning,” I answered. “His cough was
too bad. He promised he would come for us when he was able.” Strange as it
felt, I couldn’t deny that I was looking forward to seeing the old man again because unlike the others on the Army train, Joe cared for us and he wasn’t afraid to
show it.
To get the first two books in the series in this awesome 5 book set,all for just 99 cents, click here.
To get your copy of THE ORPHANAGE, click here.
Oh no, not a sanitarium. Nothing good ever comes of that.